Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Apart from being involved in thinking and using knowledge they already have, 6th formers were able to consider issues from different points of view. The topics discussed through reading The Exposer converged in one unique conclusion: not to make abrupt judgements on others. Apparently this is a rather hot issue among 6th formers.
In terms of the reading skills worked on I must say that categorising, comparing and contrasting were easy. However, when it came to infer writer's intention and purpose, a few difficulties cropped up. Not an impossible hurdle to jump at all, just like the reading aloud obstacles I spotted in some students too.

I found myself enjoying the three Autumn sessions in themselves more than last year. I would have preferred to have the books photocopied in time, so that more children had more opportunities to read, because of time and amount are affected this way. Sometimes lack of proper working hands undermines projects. Pity this is still so.

I'm really enthusiastic about the possibility to have netbooks in the library during the second breaktime on Wednesdays. I need to find the way to use the tool favourites to save the interactive webpages so that there's uninterrupted connection and so that my project can go on. Kids just loved this, so it's worth trying to find the way.

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